Residential pest Control


what is Perimeter Pest Control?

PERIMETER PEST CONTROL is an effective method of keeping pests out of your home by creating a chemical shield around it. Imagine a force-field the likes of the one from Star Wars or Independence Day...

Only this force-field keeps out the pests and is The Resistance, not the other way around!


Why Perimeter Pest Control?

Because of its humid climate, Florida attracts more types of insects than any state in the US. That's because pests thrive in humid climates, making Florida a great place for pests to live. Can you guess where pests like to live more than just in Florida? Inside of your home – in Florida!

That is why PERIMETER PEST CONTROL is absolutely essential. 

Here's some more information about PERIMETER PEST CONTROL:

  • It takes place outside, so we can apply the treatment with or without you home
  • It's not harmful to your lawn, plants, etc.
  • It's effective on a variety of harmful pests


The THREE PHASES OF Perimeter Pest Control

PHASE 1: “The Clean Out”

This is when we say goodbye to the pests. We treat the attic, the inside of the home, the garage, and any screen rooms or entryways. This is when we also provide the full perimeter treatment.

PHASE 2: “The Follow-Up”

This is our follow-up visit, which occurs 2-4 weeks after 'The Clean Out' phase. It's a follow-up application and it's necessary to the success of the solution. Bugs don't stand a chance after this phase.

PHASE 3: “The Maintenance Plan”

Every force-field still requires a little bit of maintenance. This is when we stop by every other month after 'The Follow-Up' and provide a perimeter treatment.

Note: In some instances, PPC (Perimeter Pest Control) is not possible. Therefore, at times, IPM (Interior Pest Management) is required. This can be determined during the initial inspection by your pest technician.